Why i believe confidence starts with your hair.

Why i believe confidence starts with your hair.

Growing up I remember going to the barbershop to get haircuts and feeling like a whole new person, never did I think that I was going to be a hairstylist myself and id be making people feel as special as I felt at that time.

I absolutely love seeing women walk in my studio feeling like they need a change in their life and walking out looking and feeling their best.

Every time I deliver a nice hair color I see the look on my clients face, its so priceless, and they look at the camera and start posing for the pictures.

Confidence Starts With Your Hair is a frase I decided to make my signature slogan because I see how much hair impacts your life, I mean my clients are regular human beings like you and me and have problems with low self esteem, and the minute that they see their hair being transformed they almost bring out their alter ego and start feeling like a new person, its  absolutely amazing, that’s why I believe that confidence starts with your hair.